Over the years and on-going, all the different facets of the Mama Mary Movement, have gathered the various activities that have evolved from the primal seed of a prayer – the "Seed-Love Devotion" a prayer that grew the roots of our Tributes to Mama Mary, and whose fruits have become the thousands of devotees to the Blessed Virgin.


Be Involved...

Many are called but a few are chosen
There is so much to be done. We can only do so much. We need your help. Do something. Anything… Be involved.

“To chose is to be chosen”
We welcome you to be a part of Mama Mary’s Family.
The family that prays together, loves and helps one another.

Mama Mary is touching your heart through our website, there is a litany of ways and means within our website that you are being chosen to manifest your love, following the greatest commandment, Love God above all and love one another. The choice is yours, follow what your heart tells you, share little of your Time, Talent, Treasure, all for the greater glory of God. Jesus Loves you, Mama Mary Loves You, We Love You.

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